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Vizio Makeup Academy Review

No matter the age or status, it is common to see that women have always been attracted to beautification. Even though in the past, only women have been focused on not compromising on their looks, these days, even men are raising the standards. Most people like to have their hair, face, and nails looking the best every day. No one wants to step out of the house with acne ravaged face or hair with split ends. The amount of money that most women spend on their looks could drive heterosexual men insane, but it’s the one thing that they are willing to go to lengths to get.

Cosmetology is an industry on the rise with multiple long-term career options. The US Bureau of Labor has statistics predicting that there will be a 13% job increase in the beauty industry between now and 2026. So, if you’re interested in learning more about cosmetology, this is the right time to join the club. When choosing a school to study cosmetology, it is essential to get one that is reputable and recognized while offering quality studies. This Vizio Makeup Academy review will look deeply into the institution, allowing you to carefully analyze it to know if it’s the right fit for you.

1 The world of cosmetology

Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatments. Beauty treatments include hair styling, skin care cosmetics, hair removal (permanent or temporary), and manicure/pedicures. When taking cosmetology studies, you can decide to specialize in one area or study a variety of treatment options. When taking cosmetology, there are various career options, including barber, skin care consultants, and hair color specialists, while others can decide to pursue more technical professions like aesthetics. Before you can start practicing as a licensed aesthetician, you will be required to complete 20-1500 hours of training and then pass a written or technical exam. These requirements may vary depending on where you’d like to work.

Considering we live in modern times where there is technology, cosmetology has also adapted the use of technology, improving everything. This career is one looked upon with awe because of the feeling it gives to its clients. Besides how much one earns when working in cosmetology, another thing that attracts people to this industry is its creative and artistic side. As a cosmetologist, you will only learn how to do the usual, but if you’re creative enough, you will explore the depths of your creative mind while making your clients feel their best.

The industry of cosmetology gives a delicate balance between creative satisfaction and financial stability. Each day in the industry, you get a new and colorful challenge. If you’re a creative soul, your work days will never be dull. You will always walk in with a smile on your face looking forward to the new challenge that the day will present you with. Even though it sounds all exciting and easy, it is not. This industry will provide you with challenges. You will need to know the ins and outs of the industry and be sure of the products you use and how to use them. You will need to be perfect and to do so, you will need to join an accredited school to learn all this, and that’s why we recommend Vizio Makeup Academy. source

The industry of cosmetology gives a delicate balance between creative satisfaction and financial stability.

2 Benefits of studying makeup online

With the technological advances we currently have, it is more important that we use them to our benefit, and that’s why the beauty industry helps you study makeup online. Even though this is a surprise, it is possible to learn how to do makeup online and even earn certification from Online Makeup Courses for Beginners to Professional Makeup Artist Courses you can learn it all.

 An essential part of studying online is that you won’t have to interrupt your work or daily schedule to attend school. You’ll need to set a few hours a week to learn. Other benefits of studying makeup online include:

  • Learning at your own pace- Unlike going to school daily, learning online allows you to schedule your classes and learn at a pace that you’re comfortable with. You don’t have to travel to another city to study a course you’re passionate about, nor do you have to take a break from your job, and that’s the freedom that learning makeup online presents to you.
  • Access to online material at all times- Let’s say there is a makeup routine or technique you didn’t quite catch. You can always rewatch that segment repeatedly until you catch what you’d missed before moving on to the next chapter.
  • Re-learn makeup techniques and practice them at home. Unlike taking a physical class, when taking an online makeup class, you can always practice the learned techniques on your family members until you’ve attained the perfection that you need to. You can even practice these techniques on yourself multiple times.
  • One-on-one meetings with your instructors via zoom. When taking online makeup classes, you will always have zoom classes where you can meet your instructor and learn more from them as you show them your progress on various techniques. Having this one-on-one time with the instructor will allow you to learn more basics and refine your techniques. source
Online Makeup Courses
it is possible to learn how to do makeup online and even earn certification from Online Makeup Courses for Beginners to Professional Makeup Artist Courses you can learn it all.

3 Who is Vizio Makeup Academy?

Vizio Makeup Academy is an accredited institution that has been around for over a decade. They aim to encourage those passionate about the makeup profession and sharpen their skills and personality, letting both shine bright as they learn. When taking your makeup online course with Vizio, expect to get individualized instruction and guidance throughout your course. When training students, Vizio Makeup Academy also provides them with cutting-edge skills and new techniques in the industry that will allow them to thrive and provide their clients with the best face beat.

Anastasia Andreani is the founder of Vizio Academy. She founded the school in 2011 after earning a business degree. After learning to be a professional makeup artist at Pivot Point Academy, she made a name for herself as she became the most sought-after makeup artist. She then started teaching others how to do makeup using the skills she had learned from her experience. She would then hold live makeup classes for students who would travel the world to learn from her. By doing this, she realized that it would be nice to have a place where people would learn these skills and turn them into a business model for Vizio.

Makeup Academy
When training students, Vizio Makeup Academy also provides them with cutting-edge skills and new techniques in the industry that will allow them to thrive and provide their clients with the best face beat.

What makeup courses do they offer?

At Vizio Academy, there are various types of online makeup courses. These include:

  • Elite Makeup Course With Special FX: If you’ve already been in the makeup industry and you want to refine your skills and learn newer ones, this course by Vizio Academy is one that you should take. It teaches this form of makeup from the start on simple skills like ordinary makeup and goes further into lessons on using airbrush makeup, effects, FX mastery, and many more. Elite Makeup Course with Special FX is among the top courses people pursue at Vizio Academy.
  • Premier Makeup Course: If you’re interested in becoming a next-level professional makeup artist, this is the course for you. You learn everything from introductory makeup artistry to advanced makeup artistry, airbrush makeup, and so much more. As the competition in the makeup industry keeps getting stiffer, this course will help you stand out from the rest and impress your clients.
  • Master Makeup Course: This master course teaches students how to master their makeup products better. To become competent and efficient in the makeup industry, you must master your makeup products and have sufficient skills to impress. When enrolling for this course, you will learn everything from introductory makeup artistry to advanced levels. You will gain more levels of understanding and do better.
  • Introductory Makeup Course: This course is for those students who want to begin their journey as professional makeup artists. This is a great beginner course as you will learn how to build your professional makeup kit, color theory, and more. Becoming a makeup artist when you’re still green in the industry can be challenging, and this course will be great. You will know how to approach makeup and do it correctly.

Specialty courses: These courses concentrate on two main categories, which are:

  • Bridal Makeup Course: Brides require a unique makeup style since it’s their big day, and “basic” won’t do. By mastering bridal makeup, you will be able to impress your clients by consistently delivering the best. Bridal makeup needs to be flawless and last through all the tears and hugs she will get from the family, so another level of mastery is required to learn this and specialize in it.
  • Eyelash Extension Course: Semi-permanent eyelashes are the way to go, and more people are going for these rather than eyelashes that one has to take out every day. By taking this course, you will learn how to apply eyelashes as it is time you introduced them to your business now that many people prefer them. You will learn lash application techniques, lash types, utensils, and much more. Introducing this new skill in your portfolio will make you earn more clientele and impress them.
online makeup courses
At Vizio Academy, there are various types of online makeup courses.

Which of their makeup courses is the best?

All of Vizio Academy’s courses are amazing. If you check online, you’ll realize how high their ratings are. Each course is based on various aspects of makeup. For example, if you want to try more SFX makeup, you will need to take their Elite Makeup Course With Special FX. Also, if you’re just curious about being a professional makeup artist, it is best to start with their Introductory Makeup Course.

You can use ‘promo5’ as a discount code for each course from Vizio, depending on the course that’s right for you. For you to choose one over the other, you will need to decide precisely what your needs are. We all have different intentions when starting a makeup course; you will need to check your needs, then look into Vizio’s courses to choose one that best aligns with your needs.

Vizio Makeup Academy
All of Vizio Academy’s courses are amazing.

Final thoughts

As a professional makeup artist, many opportunities are waiting for you out there. Whether doing makeup for movies and television shows or doing SFX makeup at theme parks, you have a great career opportunity with a makeup certification. You need to explore your talents by taking a Vizio Academy makeup course and start your dream today. Vizio Academy will help you realize your dream of being a makeup artist and start working from wherever in the world, making a living from your craft.

Mia Johnson

Meet Mia Johnson, a seasoned artist with over 20 years of experience in the art industry. Mia has dedicated her career to following, checking, and critiquing the works of other artists, helping them to hone their craft and reach their full potential. Her passion for art began at a young age, and she went on to study fine arts at the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. After graduation, Mia worked as a gallery assistant, where she gained valuable experience in the art world and developed a keen eye for spotting emerging talent. She went on to become an art critic for several major publications, including Artforum and Art in America, and has written extensively on contemporary art and culture. Mia is also a sought-after speaker and lecturer, and has given talks at museums, galleries, and universities around the world. In her free time, Mia enjoys painting, drawing, and exploring new art forms and techniques. She is passionate about helping artists of all levels to achieve their goals and reach their full potential, and is always on the lookout for new talent to discover and promote.
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