Business & Finance

Coinbase Survey: 18% of US Students Own Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency craze has taken over the world by storm. This year may not be as wild of a rollercoaster ride as we have witnessed in 2017, but it doesn’t mean that digital coins are getting less popular, especially among university students. In fact, an increasing number of students are looking for courses and classes about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency investments.

Recently, Coinbase commissioned a survey to figure out how many students now own cryptocurrency. The nationwide survey involved 675 students. It showed that out of the top 50 US universities, 21 are now offering at least one class on blockchain technology or a cryptocurrency related subject. Moreover, 18% of US students now have cryptocurrency in their investment portfolio.

The professors themselves notice the increase in awareness of economic issues by their students. This results in their search for alternative sources of income, particularly one in which they wouldn’t have to invest a lot of time and effort. Interestingly, trading tools like Bitcoin Loophole have an enormous user base of university students. This proves that the younger generation is keen to learn about cryptocurrency trading, and what it can do concerning shaping their future.

Moreover, universities are realizing the benefits of teaching about cryptocurrencies in helping their students find interest in alternative economics. The demand for cryptocurrency classes continues to soar, with more and more students showing interest in how exactly block chain works in how to develop cryptocurrency projects.

According to David Yermack, a professor at New York University, he is most excited about what his students will create in the future after enrolling in his blockchain course. He 1st started teaching about blockchain in 2014 where only 35 students enrolled. In 2018, his course now accommodates 280 students. David says that the increase in the number of students is met with a similar rise in interest in trying out blockchain technology for themselves. He further adds that this is an exciting time for crypto, as it feels like he is a part of something that will become unimaginably huge in the future.

Perhaps another reason why more and more students are eager to learn about cryptocurrency is the fact that many companies are recruiting college students and graduates that at least have a basic understanding of blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency experts have specific skills that prove to be in high demand among companies across different industries.

This widespread interest in blockchain has officially taken off in the global academic community. Coinbase itself has formed partnerships with underrepresented student groups in several college campuses with the goal of helping them increase their knowledge in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Their goal is to get more students to be more involved in the field. With very talented, smart, and dedicated students working on blockchain projects, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when multiple groundbreaking blockchain based solutions emerge in the next few years.