Top 7 Trends for Writing
Copywriting and web content writing has evolved in many ways over the years, dating from the point when the writing was totally analog to a digital. The authors should be able to survey the future of the industry to assess changes and trends and respond accordingly. For many people, writing has been an amazing career. Like any other job, if you handle all that is needed in the contemporary world and age, you will be able to build yourself individually and economically in the writing profession. For most writers, writing volumes and lots of papers have been the perception of being a writer in recent years. This should not be the case. The industry is changing rapidly due to technological advancement, many upcoming writers, social and cultural diversity which introduces new trends in writing skills. For example the use of google transcription tools like tint and the use of robots to write guest posts or short articles.
The Internet has become the main platform for all information, presenting an abundance of information available to everybody. Despite that, the market demands that every second new content is produced and published constantly. Therefore, scholars who would like to pursue their careers in writing have now the luxury of building their occupation from the comfort of their homes, including research and thesis realm. Like any other occupation, the right tools are needed for better and faster delivery of content. Outstanding writers have great speed with the best quality of work, which marks a distinction from others. In addition, the writers should look at the current trends and anticipate future changes in the writing platform. Let us look at seven trends to watch in 2019 to stay relevant in the writing industry.
1 Increased Volumes of Writing in More Places
Many writers are flocking into the industry as freelancers from all over the world. Grammarly application, for instance, recorded to have checked more than 35 billion words in 2019: If each one of us across the world wrote four words and checked in this application, we would still be 4 billion words short! This indicates an increased volume of content writing. As with any work, high volume and fast delivery are associated with low quality. Statistics point out that over 2.3 million blogs are published every day. To keep the high-quality majority of writers are moving to error-free digital writing like the use of the Grammarly application to improve their work or writing sponsored posts. 2019 will bring a new chapter of the English language which is the dimension that has been neglected over the years by scholars and authors. Therefore, language is expected to grow and undergo changes in the future.
2 Mobile-Friendly Content
Preferences have been given to mobile-optimized websites by search engines like Google. This is due to the fact that most people access written content through mobile phones which have led to high demand for mobile-oriented website layouts and themes. In addition, the demand for mobile-optimized content has increased. Therefore, contents with long-form are on the verge of being faced out because they do not fit the mobile platform excellently. Most companies and individuals are also looking for content that is accessible, and easy to read on small devices. This form of content is easy to share on social media and thus bringing more traffic to a website. SEO-optimized mobile web content is expected to increase in volume this year and be able to be read from larger screens as well. Contemporary contents are now written to be smarter, easier to read, and funnier.
3 Relevancy to Social Media
Social media has become the main source of information for everyone. It is logical that people tend to filter content relevant to them on these platforms and ignore junk. Current authors should learn how to utilize social media smartly to leverage the power of these media. For example, setting up a high profile where their target audience is many to capture the majority while they interact with the platforms. For instance, if you are doing public relations for a company, you need to build trust and address customers’ concerns to avoid being flagged as a scam on Facebook, Linkedin, and Google Plus among others.
4 Advance Use of Tools of the Trade
Since the volume has increased, the elements of software that are being prepared daily as an arsenal for writers are introduced to the industry. To produce huge volumes of content, one needs to be fast and at the same time remain relevant to the point by maintaining excellent quality. Therefore, if you want to be a successful content writer, you must be fast and write engaging content that has perfect grammar and is free of spelling errors whatsoever. One cannot attain these qualities without knowledge of the best available tools like Grammarly for English language check and Copyscape to make sure no copied data are traceable in your content.
5 Increased Freelancing Platforms and Academic Services
There is a rise in demand for academic and copywriting across the globe. Students, business companies, bloggers, and individuals are going to the sites to look for writers for hire on the internet. This implies that more platforms such as write my assignment Australia and academia research are increasing in number because entrepreneurs view it as the premium market gap that has not been fully exploited. In addition, kids and adults are able to get better services from these platforms because of the healthy competition: this is replicated in academic grades, available kids-friendly content, and informative information for parents.
6 Current Affairs and News
Content on current events is shared fast. Writers need to keep up with the trends and be able to post at an incredible speed to remain relevant. Copywriting demands writers who are able to update on the newest and latest writing, for example, present perfect knowledge on the cryptocurrency which is still the hottest topic globally.
But, it’s not just consumable content that today’s users are looking for. CarVeto, a UK car checking service report that 58.7% of their customers buy a car check via a mobile device whilst 13.4% use a
tablet. CarVeto admits that this high percentage is in part due to motorists being out and about when buying a car and want to check its history right away. Nevertheless, alongside consuming content mobile users also like to buy, especially digital products and services.
7 Visual Content
One of the most important trends that will continue past 2019 is the rise of visual content. Regardless of the platform in which you share your content, information must be perfect and presentable to allure the attention of the target audience and convey the message in an engaging and precise way. The abundance of web content has led to the rise of graphical pleasing posts. Unfortunately, bad content exists on the web and is competing with good ones for readers’ attention. Visual content gives the writer an edge over these contents.
Writing trends predicted for 2019 include a rise in freelancing. This means there are more chances for professional copywriters for hire. Building a great profile by offering quality work within the shortest time is the key for best sellers. Another future trend is the need for original content. Many writers are producing junk and bad information, which are misinforming or copied from previous researchers’ work. However, there is a need for them to be innovative and creative to produce original content for their audience.