As team management can be pretty time-consuming, and also complex, more and more managers use smart tools in order to simplify management processes.
Running a business with employees can be a challenging task. Being a good leader is one thing, and it takes a lot of finesse to become one. But then there are also the everyday tasks that need to be taken care of when organizing a team at work. But team management is essential for positive company culture, employee satisfaction, and – of course – efficiency.
As team management can be pretty time-consuming, and also complex, more and more managers use smart tools in order to simplify management processes. In this article, you’ll learn which types of software really pay off in the long run.
The more shifts and employees a company has, the harder it becomes to create a fair rota. But smooth shift management is very important for business success. Managers, who create working schedules manually, usually notice that colliding shifts, individual working hours, absences due to illness or vacation, and specific requirements for certain shifts make it really hard to plan well.
Manual shift plans are prone to error, and errors can have far-reaching consequences. It leads to understaffing, overstaffing, and frustration. If worse comes to worst, your customers will notice your bad planning and get angry. That’s why you should consider investing in an online e-rostering software – no matter how many staff members you employ.
Once you’ve defined your shifts and the necessary qualifications or skills in the staff, a good rostering tool will fill out the shifts with employees almost automatically. In doing so, the system will take planned absences, labor-law provisions, and other issues that could affect the realizability of your shift schedule into account.
In order to foster employee satisfaction, even more, some tools allow you to give your staff access to the shift plan. That way, they can sign up for the shifts they prefer or sign up with coworkers they like. That kind of involvement and transparency can increase your team’s output, which leads to a win-win situation.
Defining and optimizing processes is an essential part of quality management. Good quality management leads to more efficiency, a lower error rate, and overall smoother company culture. But documenting every step of each process can be really time-consuming – especially when done “on the job.”
A good business process management tool will help your team document steps, interim results, accountability, assigned tasks, and more in a clear template. That way, team members always have the opportunity to stay up-to-date on current processes or projects and to enter their data in order to keep the template up-to-date.
A smart tool allows your team members to easily enter data. That leads to gapless documentation. Management can then use the collected data as a basis for analysis and improvement.
Remote work is becoming more and more popular. There are many good reasons for hiring remote employees or even freelancers. The pandemic has caused many managers to take those advantages into account when creating and running their teams. But remote work also has downsides: You cannot simply walk into the office in order to communicate with your team members.
Instead, you need a platform to that every staff member has access, too. That’s why more and more business owners invest in software for remote collaboration. A good tool usually includes task management software, one-to-one chats as well as group chats, file management systems for easy data transfer, proofing tools, and more. Some software for remote work also includes a time-tracking tool.
If you have a good rostering software, it might not even be necessary to use remote collaboration software with time-tracking, though. Rota tools like the Papershift software often offer the possibility of having your team members sign in and out via app.
Management software is always a smart investment as it simplifies day-to-day management tasks. That way, management can place a stronger focus on others’ tasks. That leads to better time management and can contribute to the company’s success.