
Top 10 Indian Streaming Trends

The days when Indians used to wait for their favorite TV shows and programs patiently are far gone. Today, streaming has allowed them to explore the content of their choice at any given time without restriction. They can stream their favorite content on tablets, smartphones, computers, and many other devices. These are really exciting times that you should consider being part of.

The primary aim of this post is to reveal some of the most popular Indian streaming trends in 2022. Streaming has never been this fascinating. Therefore, we must explain how it is making headlines. Check out some of the 2022 streaming trends in the India region.

1 Increased In-Home Media Consumption

Since covid-19 hit the world, media consumption has expanded in India. In fact, statistics show that since then, streaming has increased by more than 75%. This is quite impressive as experts are even claiming it can increase more in 2023. Indians seem to be spending more time on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, and many others.

In the past, over 50% of the Indian population depended on media platforms like television and radio for information. Things have evolved at such an incredible pace in 2022. This is because they can now access the same information online without leaving the comfort of their homes.

Since covid-19 hit the world, media consumption has expanded in India.

2 The Rise of OTT

There is no doubt that over-the-top platforms have become even more popular in 2022 among Indians. For instance, people explore a free streaming platform like YouTube more than any other. Due to the evolution of internet infrastructure, such media have become more popular.

This made experts predict during the early periods of 2022 that OTT services in India will be worth around $3 billion in a matter of months. The active paid subscriptions recorded in India for OTT services are currently around 120 million. Such is expected to grow further beyond 2022.

experts predict during the early periods of 2022 that OTT services in India will be worth around $3 billion in a matter of months.

3 Increase In Behavior-Based Analyses

When the internet was in its early stages in India, most companies that provided streaming services had problems identifying their ideal target audiences. This means the majority of their decisions were based on guesswork. 2022 has been quite different as these companies accurately analyzed the data of customers. The goal is to know the areas they have to focus on.

For example, almost 70% of those subscribing to OTT services were males from a total of 424 million users. Statistics have also shown that some of the most popular platforms currently in India are Disney+ Hotstar, Prime Video, and Netflix. Insight about the streaming market based on data will definitely increase competition.

2022 has been quite different as these companies accurately analyzed the data of customers.

4 Live Streaming Becoming Popular

When live streaming started years ago, many people never believed it would grow and become huge today. This has been possible as many platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have continued to work on it. This has become very popular. An evidence is the just concluded world cup hosted in Qatar. Most Indians streamed the matches on various devices using free apps on PlayStore.

Apart from football matches, people are now beginning to stream their favorite programs using either free or paid apps. This trend is expected to experience exponential growth in the nearest future.

When live streaming started years ago, many people never believed it would grow and become huge today.

5 More Business Applications

The emergence of streaming platforms has given many Indian companies opportunities to think outside the box. Many of them are investing heavily in developing apps that can help sell their products most effectively. Some brands have live video apps to display their items to potential and existing customers.

Customers can virtually tour their stores to find products they will consider “appealing.” Although this streaming trend is still at an early stage in 2022, expect it to dominate the headlines in the coming years.

Some brands have live video apps to display their items to potential and existing customers.

6 The Rise of Video Marketing

Over the years, companies in India have managed to come up with different content marketing strategies. The goal has always been to create trust that can lead to sales. However, statistics have shown that video content is currently the king online. For example, almost 240 million internet users in India enjoy video content to written content.

Simply put, 57% of Indians surfing the web watch online videos. Both B2B and B2C companies use these contents to gain massive audiences. Today, many applications are coming into existence to help them create engaging and interactive videos.

7 Music Streaming Has Become Popular

We have talked about video content and other forms of streaming trends in India. However, we won’t fail to mention the waves music streaming is now making today. It has managed to relegate radios backstage. This is because, regardless of your location in India, you can easily access any track of your choice.

Also, you can enjoy better sound quality while listening to your favorite songs. This trend is expected to hit around $200 million between 2022-2027. Such can be easily achieved, given that in 2020, music streaming grew in India by more than 30%.

8 Smart TVs Are Leading

Regarding technological advancement, it is fair to conclude that there are no limits. This is evident in the rise of smart TVs. They have contributed positively to streaming trends in India. Today, you don’t have only to use your mobile device to stream your favorite movie and sports platforms. This can also be done on a smart TV.

They have some fantastic features that can ensure an unforgettable streaming experience. The competition among brands like LG, Samsung, Sony, Sharp, and others is encouraging. They have only helped to facilitate online streaming in many ways.

9 Increased OTT Subscribers

2022 is a year that many OTT services in India experienced true success. Indeed, cinemas in India are also thriving. However, such hasn’t discouraged OTT services from gaining more subscribers. Since 2021, reports have shown that there has been around a 20% increase in the number of people subscribing to such platforms.

According to experts, it can be more with aggressive marketing strategies from companies that render such services. There are different streaming contents they can offer to the public. Once done correctly, streaming can increase by more than 40%, as Indian experts had earlier projected during the beginning periods of 2021.

10 Synchronized Watching Has Become Very Crucial

Most of the streaming platforms offer this feature. However, it wasn’t trendy amongst Indians as compared to now. Today, many people are beginning to appreciate it more. For instance, it gives people a chance to explore video content together. In other words, they can watch videos together.

YouTube app can be synced to your smart TV for the perfect viewing experience. The same applies to paid streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and others.

Final Thoughts

Having seen the above, it is evident that streaming in India is only evolving. In other words, there is a lot of room for improvement. This is why experts are claiming it will get much better beyond 2022. The future looks bright for those who love the idea of streaming content online.