Top 10 Scary & Bizarre Ocean Creatures You Have Never Seen Before
There are too many ocean creatures that are really strange. They are considered to be bizarre because their shape is not traditional and they also act in different unusual ways whether it is for catching their prey or during escaping from their predators. You may find that some of these bizarre ocean creatures are scary but others are interesting and catchy. It is difficult to see such creatures while fishing or diving and this is why we bring them to you. For more information about these unique creatures, take a look at the following top 10 scary and bizarre ocean creatures that you have never seen before and will not believe that they really exist in our world and under the surface of the water.
10. The Sea Cucumber
It has a colorful body and is completely flexible because of the level of collagen that it has and this is why it can move easily. To protect itself from predators, it contracts its muscles and expels some of the internal organs that it has through its anus.
9. The Anglerfish
It is really a unique fish for its large head, big mouth, large teeth and the techniques that it uses for catching its prey. It has a fleshy growth extending from its head and is used by the fish as a bait to attract its prey and eat it. Some of the anglerfishes can be found in the continental shelf while others can be found in the deep sea.
8. The Goblin Shark
It may look scary and ugly to you for its teeth and face that makes the shark looks as if it has two faces and not just one. It was discovered in the 19th century, however it can be rarely seen as it lives in the lower depths of the ocean. They can hardly live outside their environment as there was a Goblin Shark that was taken to an aquarium, but it did not stay alive for a long time and quickly died.
7. The Blue Parrotfish
It is magnificent with its blue color and head that looks like a parrot’s head. It can be found in the Atlantic Ocean and it spends most of its time looking for its food.
6. The Fangtooth
It looks scary with its large teeth to be like a monster, however it is not dangerous not because it is kind but because it has poor eyesight which makes it difficult for this fish to catch its prey. This fish can be found 16,400 feet beneath the sea.
5. The Flamingo Tongue Snail
It can be found in the Caribbean and Atlantic waters. It has a unique and colorful shape which makes it preferred by many scuba divers who take it as a souvenir. It depends in its food on toxic sea fans without being harmed. It in fact makes use of the venom that is found in the toxic sea fans as it absorbs this venom to become toxic and use it against its predators.
4. The Pacu Fish
It stuns you with its teeth that have exactly the same shape of human teeth. It can be found in the streams and rivers of Amazon, Orinoco, Scandinavian waters and Papua New Guinea.
3. The Hatchetfish
It is a tiny silver fish as it is about one to five inches in length, however it makes you scared once you look at it. Its silver thorax looks like the blade of a hatchet. It can be found 50 meters below the surface of the ocean whether it is the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian Ocean.
2. The Blobfish
It is really a weird creature that dazzles you when you see it. It is thought to be a lazy fish as it does not need to exert an effort or expend any energy to eat and all what it does is that it opens its mouth to eat any critters floating in the sea.
1. Flying Fish
Its fins that look like wings allow it to fly for considerable distances above the surface of the water. Sometimes, this fish flies above the water’s surface to escape from its predators. It can be found in all the oceans especially in warm subtropical and tropical waters.
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