Top 10 Rarest Flower Types in The World …
Flowers are one of the most beautiful things that nature has to offer. Basically, there are more than 270,000 kinds of flowers across the globe. Several flowers bloom only in particular seasons or even after decades. Other flowers located in remote areas in the world still undiscovered.
Some extraordinary plants are considered as the rarest in the world. They also hold some unique characteristics and features including Corpse flower, which smells like rotting meat or Nepenthes tenax that feeds on small birds and rats. The following are the rare flower types that you should know:
1 Kadupul Flower
Beauty and rareness are the main features, which make Kadupul flower very special. This rare flower type is mainly found in the forests of Sri Lanka. Since they bloom only at midnight and perish before dawn, only several people have the opportunity to see the beauty of these Kadupul flowers(learn more).
2 Middlemist Red
It’s the rarest flower in the planet. You will only see this flower in the garden of New Zealand and in the UK’s green house garden. A nursery man named John Middlemist brought this flower from China to the United Kingdom in year 1804. Then, after this flower was completely washed out from the country of China, it began growing in the gardens of London(decorate your home).
3 Jade Vine
It’s a rare flower in the family of bean and pea. This can only be seen in the rainforest of the Philippines. It has claw shaped flowers that can only grow up to three meters.
4 Ghost Orchid
It’s a rare spider web like flower found in Florida and Cuba. It is only cultivated in several areas where the surroundings become appropriate for its growth, which makes it a rare flower type(check this masterpiece ).
5 Corpse Flower
It’s the smelliest and largest flower in the planet. Corpse flower produces a smelly odor and can only be found in the several islands of Indonesia. Corpse flowers only bloom in every forty or thirty years and its leaf grows up to 20 ft.
6 Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers
These are rare members of orchid family situated mainly in London and some parts of Europe. It’s also rare to find a good combination of these flowers.
7 Cape Sundew
It’s a carnivorous plant native to South Africa. This easily grows in nature because of the huge amount of seeds it produces(make your own corner).
8 Seven-Son Flower
It was first found in China in 1980. Seven-Son flower belongs to honeysuckle family, which grows as a multi-stemmed shrub. Its leaves can reach 15-20 ft tall.
9 Nepenthes Tenax
It’s a lowland species of plant native in Northern Queensland, Australia. Nepenthes tenax is a tropical flower that grows up to 40” and known for its self-supporting stem. This is also renowned as a flesh-eating pitcher plan. Experts believed that it consumes small rats, birds, and lizards.
10 Black Bat Flower
It is an unusual flower that grows in the wild and tropical forests of Yunnan Province in China. Black bat flowers grow up to 36 inches and can be wide as 12 inches. Every flower has long whiskers, which grow up to 28 inches.
There are other rare or unique flowers left undiscovered. This just proves that the world is full of amazing things.