Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Rings
In the field of designing jewellery, we see marvelous designs of solitaire rings. The jewelery houses have shown up new trends that elevate solitaire rings to the highest level. This makes all of us could not get our eyes off . In this list, you will be surprised by knowing the high prices of 10 of solitaire rings in our world.
1 Elizabeth Taylor , $ 8,8 million
“$ 8,8 million”, is the price of her ring; because it is made from one of the clearest type of diamond. This ring was given to Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Burton; who married her twice in 1964 and 1975 .
2 Anna Kournikov , $ 6 million
This ring was given to Anna Kournikov by Jeez Julio. These couples are dating on and off for 10 years. One asks himself an urgent question: “Should any lover show his passion to the beloved by presenting an expensive ring?” Absolutely not.
3 Byonce ,$ 5 million
Byonce and Jay –Z are the most seen couples in Hollywood, and they look happy all the time. This solitaire ring was given to Byonce by Jay-Z. This price makes any one shocked; as it is very expensive.
4 Paris Hilton , $ 4,7 million
Paris Latses gave Paris Hilton This ring while their engagement. But, what do you expect? a marriage party? no; she has broken their engagement. You are shocked, aren’t you?
5 Mariah Carry , $ 2,5 millionMost of us know Mariah Carry; because of her lovely songs. Nick Cannon has given Mariah Carry a beautiful 17-carat emerald-cut pink diamond ring. The diamond in the ring is surrounded by more pieces of diamond. But, unfortunately, this relationship is going to be broken.
6 Catherine Zeta Jones , $ 2 million
This ring has been given to Catherine Zeta Jones by Michel Douglas. This ring is a whole bunch of diamonds put together in a ring.
7 Kim Kardashian, $ 2 million
This awesome ring was given to Kim Kardashian by Kris Humphries in their wedding party. But, this marriage lasted only 72 days. This ring is designed by Lorraine Sckwartz. The ring is a 20,5 carat and has a 16,5 carat emerald center.
8 Jaqueline Kennedy, $ 1,5 million
JFK has given Jaqueline Kennedy this beautiful ring,which is gorgeous; as it has a green emerald stone in the middle, and it is surrounded by numerous diamonds. Hence, this ring is so attractive and lovely.
9 Jennifer Aniston , $ 1million
Jennifer Aniston received this ring when director David Lynch went down in one knee. So, that’s enough for her to accept his proposal. They have also a cozy mansion which worth about $ 21 million.
10 Eva Longoria, $800,000
This ring was given to Eva Longoria by Tony Parker in their wedding party. But, divorce was the end of this marriage because of Tony Parker’s cheating on her with another woman. That is too much bad, isn’t it ?
Hence, diamonds are so valuable, but the most important is Man himself. It is so urgent to know if the person is a rich diamond himself, or just a brightening glass.