Top 10 Intelligence Agencies in The World
In a world full of wars, intimidations, and terrorism, whether internal or external, no country would be able to survive peacefully if it were not for the intelligence agencies. They play an important role in restraining terrorism that might be threatening the tranquility and peace of their countries. The intelligence agencies are governmental associations and their missions are to collect valuable information, protect the sensitive one, and then analyze it to be used for their countries’ own interests. The competence and efficiency of any agency are measured by the sources of their information and the analytical inspection used for keeping any threat at bay. Check out this list of the best 10 intelligence agencies across the globe.
10 MSS, Ministry of State Security (China)
The administration of Ministry of Public Security is responsible for directing China’s intelligence agency; it is known as the Ministry of State Security ‘MSS’, which is also one of the top best intelligence agencies in the world and it works on configuring the needed information for sustaining the security and stability of the country.
9 DGSE, Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure (France)
The Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure ‘DGSE’, and in English, it is the General Directorate for External Security of France. It works in alliance with the DGSI ‘the General Directorate for Internal Security’; they both are concerned with keeping the threats, internal or external, away. They are also responsible for sustaining the national security of the country and, like many other agencies, are involved in operations outside the country. Undeniably the DGSE ranks as one of the top 10 best intelligence agencies all around the globe.8 BND, Federal Intelligence Service (Germany)
The Bundesnachrichtendienst is Germany’s Federal Intelligence Agency, known as BND. As other agencies’ responsibilities, the BND is accountable for protecting the country from any threats or intimidations. Given that Germany is one of the leading countries around the world in almost everything, it is unsurprising to acknowledge its intelligence service as one of the top 10 agencies around the world.
7 ASIS, Australian Secret Intelligence Service
The national foreign intelligence agency of Australia is commonly known as ASIS; it was once known as MO9, and is located in Canberra, the Australian Capital. Its major responsibility is to sustain the country’s security and well-being. The Australian Secret Intelligence Service is declared to be as good as both the British and the American Central Intelligence Agencies, which is a good enough reason for placing it on this list.
6 RAW, Research and Analysis Wing (India)
In 1968, the very first executive, called Rameshwar Nath Kao, established the primary foreign intelligence agency of India ‘Research and Analysis Wing’, known as RAW. The main responsibilities of RAW are gathering foreign information and fighting terrorism; its agents are also efficient at analyzing and evaluating the received information, so they are capable of protecting their country and maintaining its stability. It is ranked among the top 10 best intelligence agencies in the world.5 MOSSAD, The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation (Israel)
The intelligence agency of Israel is known as the MOSSAD; it is one of Israel’s central Intelligence Community and like any secretive agency, it is mainly responsible for maintaining the country’s internal security. The major assignment of this agency is protecting the Jewish community from existing in all four corners of the globe. It has highly performing undercover agents that operated different duties, inside and outside the country, and it was involved in secretive operations in different places around the globe such as Asia, Middle East, America, and the United Kingdom. Its proficiency aided in listing it among the best intelligence agencies.4 FSB, Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation
The Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation, commonly known as FSB, is the most significant inheritor agency of the USSR’s Committee of State Security which was responsible for gathering the required information for protecting the country from terrorism, threats, and intimidations. The Russian Federal Law declared that the FSB is fairly similar to all the other armed forces except for the fact that their agents are not restricted to wear an explicit uniform while on duty. This agency surely deserves to be listed among the best intelligence agencies in the world; no wonder most of the spies featured in movies are Russians.3 MI6, Military Intelligence Section 6 (UK)
The Secret Intelligence Service of the United Kingdom is commonly known as MI6. It works in cooperation with other several services; the internal Security Service ‘MI5’, the Government Communications Headquarters ‘GCHQ’, and finally the Defense Intelligence ‘DI’. The M16, alongside all the other secret services, is responsible for collecting valuable information for the British Government. It is well-recognized for having the most skillful undercover agents which assisted in listing it among the top intelligence agencies in the world; it is known to be successful at accomplishing secretive operations inside and outside the country.2 CIA, Central Intelligence Agency (US)
Of course, the Central Intelligence Agency, or the CIA, was undeniably expected to have a place on this list. The CIA’s main function is to gather information concerning the country’s internal security, especially foreign information since it is the only agency in the United States that is caught up in stealthy and secretive missions. This agency includes the primary members of the U.S. Intelligence Community or the IC which directly informs the Director of National Intelligence. National Intelligence is actually the unit responsible for transfer the information to the President ASAP.1 ISI, Inter-Service Intelligence (Pakistan)
The prime intelligence service of Pakistan, named Inter-Service Intelligence or ‘ISI’ and operated by the military, is placed on the top of this list, for it is the best intelligence agency on the planet. It was established in 1948; ISI is legally responsible for the internal safety measures of the country. This agency functions in collaboration with both the Intelligence Department and the Military Intelligence; their most important missions are fighting terrorism and keep a close watch on its precursors, hence their country remains secure. The ISI activity extends behind the borders of the country; in fact, it contributed to major maneuvers with other agencies.