
Top 10 Most Effective Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Ability

Normally, we are interested in the cognitive development of children and infants, while many adults do not bother to develop cognitively. They should try to, especially since researches have shown that cognitive function can reduce premature aging and raise life expectancy. You can be younger than your chronological age by making certain lifestyle choices, including those, impose or challenge the brain. Researches in the past 20 years have shown that certain brain regions of adults can generate new neurons and synapses. In fact, every time we learn something new; to participate in new activities or even think about a new concept, the brain reconnects in response to those activities. As babies, adults can continue to grow and, as they do, protect their cognitive function of the brain.

There are many effective ways to build better understanding and reduce the chances of developing cognitive impairment, dementia or Alzheimer diseases later in life. Here are ten recommended methods to develop your cognitive ability.

10 Physical exercise to strengthen the cognitive performance

In December last year, researchers at the University Medical School in Boston (BUSM) have found evidence that physical activity is beneficial to health and knowledge of the brain. They found that certain hormones that increase during exercising can help improve memory. Scientists have been able to connect the blood hormone levels of aerobic fitness and identify the positive effects on the memory function linked to the exercise.

9 Reading and watching TV

To your brain, there is a difference between watching “The Bachelorette” and a scientific show or educational program. Watching TV enriches cognitive effort to understand when the “aha” It takes a spark or questions, ideas or time. The same is true for reading. The tabloid celebrity magazine has less challenges to the brain than the Smithsonian. Develop new connections inside your brain by reading something that is informative, not just for fun. After reading or watching television, keep reminding yourself of what you just learned. It increases your information retention ability.

8 Take up a new hobby

Increase your cognitive enrichment, adopting a new action, research requires learning, not only attending a baseball game or concert. Explore various areas seeking a good hobby that suits you; gardening, collecting antiques while researching their origins and the history of places, periods they belong to, raising chickens, learning a foreign language, selling things on the internet etc. Read books, talk to experts, take classes, lectures or join organizations related to your hobby. These activities help your brain develop new connections between neurons and offset the loss of cells due to aging or a disease.

7 Solve all kinds of puzzles

Puzzles are a great way to build new connections in the brain. There are many types of crossword puzzles include acrostics, cryptograms, and other puzzles oriented words. Some puzzles have no words at all, such as Sudoku. Solving puzzles is a quite amazing activity for the brain to find diversity. You can start with a guy, and as you get better, switch to other types of puzzles. Your brain will be challenged with all kinds of puzzles. Replace the puzzle that is simple with a harder one, encourage your brain to do, learn new things, because they will activate it to develop new memories to overcome the new challenges.

6 Play Games

Researchers are developing a better understanding of specific mechanisms of electric pulse patterns, called “tops”; they trigger a cascade of changes in the neural circuits of learning and memory. In a report published in April 2013, researchers at Tel Aviv University found that the environments “rich in stimulants” and riddles to solve could be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer for some people.

5 Visit museums, zoos and historic sites

In February 2014, the psychology professor John Cacioppo of Chicago University, presented the results of his research to identify the health consequences of feeling that can cause psychological and cognitive decline. He found that Cacioppo feelings isolated from others can disrupt sleep, raise blood pressure, increase the level of the stress hormone cortisol, alter gene expression in cells of the immune system, increase depression and reduce the general well-being subjective… These factors combined can disrupt the optimum correlation function of the brain and impaired cognitive function.

4 Be a student again

Numerous continual courses are available that do not require you to be a regular attendant in a study program or university. Sign up for one or two courses at any time. There are relatively inexpensive courses on social faculties. As a student, you will have many opportunities to learn new things, and most instructors do their best to help you remember learned information.

3 Attend workshops

Workshops, conferences and other meetings are where experts in different fields transmit their knowledge offering another way to enhance cognitive skills; active learning. While many of them are offered via person’s work, others are available for anyone interested.

2 Reduce stress

Scientists have known for decades that the brain needs sleep to consolidate learning and memory. At the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in San Diego, in November 2013, scientists of Brown University introduced new innovative research that helped to explain the details of how the sleeping brain is dominated by a new duty.

1 Address depression

Depressed people are more likely to suffer from cognitive disorders later in life than those without the problem of depression. As with stress, many people who are depressed just run to the family doctor and say, “give me something to get rid of depression”. There are ways to achieve durable results, in addition to drugs, including individual counseling, exercising, spiritual growth, establishing goals and a career rejuvenation, and many other techniques.