Sneakers is a term used to express any footwear used for athletic purposes. The flexibility of the sole and the material of the overall shoe makes it more suitable for sports. People, nevertheless, used these kind of shoes for the everyday use. The term was coined by Henry McKinney, working for an advertising agency, in 1917. The light tennis shoes was the reason why sneakers were called sneakers! This name is still in use nowdays. While Americans call it as such, British have the word “trainers” to describe such light shoes.
While Running is the one of the easiest sports to practice, it may cause different injuries which effects last for long time. Some of these side effects are the pronation and supination. It is the twisting of the leg twists and rolls inwardly in case of pronation and outwardly in case of supination. For a leg to move freely, those two mechanisms must happen in a limited amount. When they happen excessively, they cause pain in different areas of the body, in heel, knee, ankle and even hips. Ahealthy pair of sneakers, thus, redress these two problems and even encourage you to practice more. Many footwear companies compete in making the healty pair that fits customers and attracts them, the following are the top ten:
10 Asics GEL-Excel 332
Asics is a Japanese company specialized in footwear and sports products. The name of the company is an acronym for the Latin phrase “anima sana in corpore sano, ” which means healthy mind is in healthy body. The company is famous for letting people know about “pronation” as a side effect of running and walking; and how getting a shoe that fits you alleviates this problem.
9 Brooks Running PureCadence 2
What is so cool about the Brooks is its Nav Band that offers more stability along with the laces; and the inverted heels that make the wearer feel that they are running.
8 Saucony Hurricane 15
In a white, blue and citron colors a good amount of protection is offered because of the multilayered sole. The shoes hug your feet and increases the stability and comfort.
7 Asics GEL-Lyte 332
The GEL-Lyte 332 is a light shoe that employs the so called FluidAxis technology. In this technology the insole and outsole are well carved and underlaid. There is a Gel material added in these areas which are useful in absorbing shocks offering protection and comfort to your foot.
6 Nike LunarGlide +4
Cushioned with soft plush fabric that fits the foot like a glove, wearers enjoy comfort running as well as stability with easy on and off. While running for long distances, the sneakers material helps the feet to breath.
5 Saucony Ride 6
Rubber foam, which is a soft rubber with air bubbles within, is the constituent material of this trainer. Though heavier than its peers, the material allows for a high mileage.
4 Newton Energy Running Shoes
With its new 5 lugs in the outsole, wearers feel as if they are rolling whenever they walk or run. Free movement is guaranteed through the elastic mesh that makes the Newton trainer.
3 Adidas Adizero Super Sonic 4
What is so special about this sneakers is that they fit all seasons and can efficiently run over many types of grounds. The blown rubber hugs the foot and enables for high cushioning and stability.
2 Saucony Guide 6
The arch in this Saucony provides stability even when the laces are not fastened. The toe box is comfortable so you would feel no pressure amidst a long run. It is great for high mileage, long strides and outings!
1 Mizuno Wave Rider 16
With over 500 miles with this sneakers, it has shown amazing durability. Mizuno has actually modified the material and added what they call SR Touch technology, that raised the flexibility you would feel.
Nice to know the history of sneakers briefly, i never knew it. Thanks for the post.