
Top 10 Babies’ Strangest Habits Ever

Mothers always notice strange habits of their babies, they appear when sleeping, eating, dealing with toys or at any time. These habits are not in vain. Yet, they have meaning. Some mothers know them and have an explanation for, but others are astonished by these habits. If you are a mother and have a newborn, for sure this article will be beneficial for you, to clarify the strangest baby’s habits.

10 Acting like a bird when feeling about to fall:

Babies acclimatized by developing a protective strategy when falling, it is named by experts the Moro reflex, of which they think to be an automatic performance. At whatever time a kid feels rightly or wrongly that he is falling, he may lob his arms out to either side, as if he flies. When noticing a Moro reflex, you should know that your baby’s nervous system is developing correctly.

9 Hiccups runneth over:

Infant hiccups are secrecy yet there is still a theory. A baby’s swallowing and breathing abilities are not completely coordinated. It might try to swallow simultaneously it draws a breath. It is also learning how to unravel these bad models, so it just takes the baby longer than it takes a grown person to retrieve to normal. Nursing a baby or giving him or her a bottle may help solving this issue.

8 A coughy habit:

It is a fake coughing as around six months, when the fake coughing begins, babies are in fact starting to understand how the world works. The child has noticed that when somebody coughs, mother is very caring, so the baby is doing so to get some concentration. In response, you should give the babies the communication they looking for.

7 A baby is an investigator:

Some babies are accustomed to draw a portrait of father or mothers every day. They are caring for details about some task, which unluckily means they want to know everything.

6 Prototyping:

Some babies are prototyping. If they like something, they stick to the original way and shape they knew it in the first time. And it is the same situation when they hate something. To clarify, if a baby admires an apple which is red, and he is given a green or yellow one, he will not take it. Again, if a baby hates a certain color in foods, he will generalize this color as not accepted in all foods or may be everything.

5 Sleeping anywhere:

Babies are characterized of having flexible sleeping habits. They can be deep in sleep  anywhere. Some places are strange to sleep in, but they do. They do not realize that sleeping has a fixed place which is bed.

4 Quacking:

Some babies are quacking in many situations. These situations can be when having greetings or when walking. It is very strange to parents, yet babies just want to draw attention to them. This habit will gradually vanishes if you are not quack back.

3 Over-Sweating:

Some babies sweat copiously during the deepest part of their every night sleep cycle and wind up wet. As babies pass much of their time in this deepest phase of sleep, they are more expected to sweat during the night than grown people or even older children.

2 Grinding teeth:

It is common in babies to grind their teeth when they are getting their first teeth. The more acceptable reasons are that they feel new teeth and pain.

1 Head Banging:

Head banging is a common behavior in babies that comfort them. Head banging often begins at the age of six. Head banging in babies is hardly regarded as a sign of a developmental problem, but move ahead and talk about it with your baby’s doctor. It may be expressing a pain.


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