Top 5 Tips For Keeping A Car In Excellent Condition
You’ve splashed out and bought a great car that you love. It may be brand new or only new to you; either way, it’s your pride and joy, and you want to keep it looking as good as the day you brought it home. Essential car maintenance ought to be enough to ensure that your new wheels stay in excellent condition until the day you choose to part ways. I’ve put together a list of top tips to set you on the road to responsible car care.
1 Fluids
Vehicles are thirsty machines, even electric ones that don’t require regular gas drinks. Ensuring your car has the correct levels of all the required fluids helps keep it running smoothly and safely. All vehicles, electric and gas require three fluids: brake fluid, coolant, and windscreen wiper fluid; additionally, a combustion engine motor requires oil. Regular checks of their levels and topping up as needed will stop unnecessary breakdowns and keep the car safe to drive.
2 Extended Warranty
If you’ve purchased a new or nearly new vehicle, you’ll have the option of buying an extended warranty. There are many benefits to doing this rather than relying on car insurance for repairs. New vehicles shouldn’t experience failure, but sometimes they do, and when they do, it tends to be expensive. The Range Rover extended warranty gives peace of mind and ensures the garage will undertake any repairs to the high Range Rover quality.
3 Wheel Care
Keeping an eye on the wheel stops all faults and issues from occurring or worsening. Paying attention to how the car handles while driving can tell you if there is a balance issue. Not only can a vehicle pulling to one side indicate a problem with the wheel mechanisms, but it should alert you to potential uneven tire wear. Paying attention to tire wear is especially important as excessive wear negatively impacts how the car sticks to the road, and such tires need replacing immediately.
4 Filters
After so many thousands of miles, both the air and oil filters require replacing to keep a vehicle running smoothing and cleanly. Washing air filters can prolong their life and is easy to undertake yourself. It can be done during a routine service if you don’t feel confident replacing either filter. Otherwise, save some money, consult the vehicle’s manual and do it yourself at home.
5 Cleaning
Keeping a car’s interior and exterior clean is essential for its look and health. Not only is a messy interior unsightly and unpleasant to ride in, but dirt and dust will clog the vents and filters if not regularly vacuumed. A heavy build-up of dirt and grime on the exterior will dull lights, obscure mirrors, and hide any paintwork damage. Use washing the car as a time to inspect the paintwork for scratches or chips that might let water underneath and begin to rust the structure.
When you take these tips for looking after that sweet new ride, it’ll stay in excellent condition for a long time.