
Is CBD Oil Travel-Friendly?

It’s easier to get your hands on CBD-infused products than ever before. Whether it’s online or in retail stores, they are now everywhere. Whether it’s to support physical and mental well-being or to relieve the day’s stress, more people are turning to CBD oil for relief. Because of its full availability, it’s becoming a commodity that people want to carry this CBD kit with them wherever they go. While CBD oil is derived from hemp, the regulations surrounding transit are inconclusive. You might be wondering, can I drive with CBD or can you bring CBD on a plane?

Traveling is stressful enough; we don’t want you to have the added stress of trying to figure out how to get your CBD oil cleared by the TSA or border patrol. It doesn’t have to be a challenge; but before you even think about stepping on that plane, be sure to read the rest of this article as we will go over some tips you should keep in mind if you’re planning on flying with CBD oil. We’ve prepared a guide to help you sort through the do’s and don’t’s when it comes to traveling with CBD. Here’s what you need to know!

Can You Travel With CBD Oil?

Let’s start with land regulations. If you are traveling by land, you should be fine as long as you stay within state lines. However, things can get a little complex when you’re crossing borders. For starters, states have different laws regarding cannabis and CBD products. While it might be completely legal in your home state, it might be illegal in other states if the oil contains more than 0.3% THC or if you don’t have a registration card. You have to know which states are which, and we are here to help. If you’re wondering if CBD is legal in your state or one you’re trying to visit, find out now with the CBD Origin Law Finder.

Can You Fly With CBD Oil?

If you’re planning on traveling by air, there are some things you need to know.  Don’t just store it somewhere they won’t find it. There are still some types of oil that are considered active cannabinoids, therefore illegal in some states. With this in mind, you’ll have to take a few precautions and prepare to make sure you can get your CBD oil through TSA and onto that plane.

1 Getting Past TSA

Knowing the rules of the airport is one of the most important things to keep in mind when preparing to fly with your CBD oil. You should always double check that you’re transporting your CBD oil in an appropriate container, and it meets the size requirements. In recent news, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) updated its policies about traveling with medical marijuana. It is now completely legal to travel with hemp-derived CBD products or anything that’s been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. As long as you’re carrying CBD oil that’s derived from hemp, getting through TSA shouldn’t be a concern, but you should always be able to prove the content you’re carrying  ( keep a copy of your printed order with your CBD Oil). Once you’re past TSA and board your flight, that’s it- mission accomplished.

2 If It’s CBD, You Should Be Safe

Before you read the first part of this article, you might have been tempted to sneak your CBD oil in your checked bags or hidden in your socks. With this new piece of information, getting through TSA shouldn’t be a problem because it’s perfectly legal. If your CBD oil is significantly small, you might get by without those scary officers even realizing it, but if they do, no worries, you should be safe, as long as your oil is hemp-derived.

It’s Time to Catch that Flight

As CBD-infused products become more mainstream, the need to travel with them will soon be normalized. For now, traveling with your CBD oil doesn’t have to be a hassle or an obstacle.    We get it; you might be a nervous flyer, a lot of us are. Bad turbulence and last minute changes can only make things worse. That CBD oil you’re carrying might be more important than TSA might think. Maybe drinking a glass of wine on the flight, or laughing to a funny movie is not enough to calm you while the plane is slashing through the air at 40,000feet.

We understand that CBD is a big topic and that all the information out there can get overwhelming. That’s why we encourage you to do your research about CBD-infused products in your state.