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Top 10 Home Defense Handguns That Do The Trick

Once you’ve made the decision to add to the estimated 270 million guns already in existence in the US then you need to decide which one is right for you.

The problem is that it can be baffling! Alongside the right type f gun you’ll need to check out the right gun gear; including sights and even holsters. You should also invest in a good gun safe.

To help you decide here are 10 of the best home defense handguns:

1 Ruger SP101

This uses .357 caliber bullets which should be effective at stopping most attackers. It is hammerless to ensure simplicity and ease of use.

2 S&W Governor

This gun is compact and surprisingly stylish. More importantly, it can take .410 caliber and .45; you’ll always have the right bullet to hand to take care of your attacker.


3 Glock 19

You’ll recognize the name of this handgun. It adopts the more familiar modern square look and uses 9MM rounds. While 9mm is less likely to inflict stopping the damage it is light and very accurate. You’ll be able to get several shots hitting the target without issue.

4 Beretta M9A1

This is one of the most famous names in handguns and for good reason. They are reliable, powerful and easy to carry. It fires 9mm rounds and has been used by the military for years.

5 Colt Close Quarter Battle Pistol

It might not have the best name but this is another brand synonymous with high-quality guns. It is a favorite of the marines, compact, accurate, and fires a deadly .45 caliber round.

6 Glock 41 Gen 4

Another Glock entry! This is another .45 caliber with real stopping power. It is also incredibly reliable and easy to use.

7 Sig Sauer P226

Another handgun with a great endorsement. This is the preferred weapon of the navy seals! You know this is going to fire when you need it to. Even better it has 16 bullets, including the one in the chamber. All of them are 9mm and ready to inflict harm.

8 Ruger GP100

One of the reasons this does so well is because it has excellent stopping power and is extremely reliable. It fires a .357 and is incredibly simple to use. Just point and shoot!

9 Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum

Unsurprisingly this uses .44 caliber bullets and will stop anyone fast. It is actually the 2nd most popular handgun in the US. Pick it up, flick off the safety and the danger is gone in a moment.

10 Taurus Raging Judge

Use .454 or .410 to drop one or numerous foes. This is a heavy duty but easy to use a piece which will leave you feeling confident in any situation.


Don’t forget that you should comply with all the relevant legislation in your state and that it is a good idea to get in some practice with your chosen weapon. Ideally, you should try before you buy a handgun; this will ensure you have one that feels comfortable and will do the job.