Categories: Medical

How The CEREC Technology Could Achieve a Revolution in Dentistry

Dentistry has been around for many years and has evolved significantly over time. In the past few decades, technological advances have allowed us to make great strides in dental care. One of the most revolutionary technological advancements to hit the dental world is the CEREC system.

1 What is CEREC System?

CEREC stands for the chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics. It is a system that utilizes computer-assisted design and digital imaging to create permanent custom restorations for a patient’s mouth in just one visit.

The process is fast and efficient, letting a dentist quickly and accurately create a restoration that looks and feels completely natural. CEREC technology is a great choice for those looking to complete their dental work quickly and with the utmost quality.

It is a system that utilizes computer-assisted design and digital imaging to create permanent custom restorations for a patient’s mouth in just one visit.

2 How Does CEREC Revolutionize Dentistry?

The CEREC system has revolutionized dentistry in more than one way. This computer-aided system helps streamline the patient experience, opens the possibility of remote work, and even allows dentists to work on multiple treatments simultaneously.

Some other ways it revolutionizes dentistry include:

1. It Allows For Increased Efficiency

CEREC technology, as a system, makes the dental process faster, more efficient, and more straightforward for the patient and the dental staff. The system creates a digital impression within minutes that is then used to mill out the new restorations. This eliminates the need for traditional impressions, which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable for patients. CEREC also enhances communication between the dental office and lab to ensure that the restorations are crafted to the dental office’s specifications.

2. Enhances Quality

Not only does CEREC technology dramatically reduce the production time of restorations, but it also enhances the accuracy and quality of the restoration. CEREC utilizes high-resolution digital impressions, which can provide more detailed information than traditional impressions. This enhanced detail ensures that the repair created is of higher quality and more accurately reflects what the dentist has prescribed.

3. Reduced Cost

CEREC technology also reduces costs for dental practices. Since CEREC eliminates the need for manual impressions and their associated costs, the dental procedure can save money while producing higher-quality results. Additionally, the technology can reduce labor costs and expenses related to shipping and delivery of restorations.

The CEREC system has revolutionized dentistry in more than one way.

3 Is This Procedure Worth Considering?

Yes. If you’re looking for an efficient, long-lasting solution for your dental care, then the CEREC procedure is worth your attention.

The process is relatively quick and painless, taking only a few visits to the dentist instead of the weeks it can take for traditional lab techniques. It also uses much less tooth material because the impressions are taken digitally, and the ceramic restorations are made directly at the dental office. This means you get a restoration that fits perfectly with your teeth and looks and functions like natural teeth.

But what might be the most attractive feature of CEREC is the cost. Since the entire procedure is done in the dental office, you don’t need to pay expensive lab fees and can save money in the long run.

If you’re looking for an efficient, long-lasting solution for your dental care, then the CEREC procedure is worth your attention.

4 Preparing for CEREC

Preparing for the CEREC procedure can be simpler than you think. First, you should ensure you have discussed the procedure with your dentist to understand what will happen during the CEREC procedure. This will help you feel more relaxed and prepared for it.

Next, you’ll want to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly ahead of time. This will help to ensure that your teeth are clean and ready for the procedure. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything for at least two hours before the procedure, as this could interfere with the bonding materials used to create your new crown or bridge.

Finally, it’s essential to wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. Your dentist may need to use dental tools that require you to open your mouth wide, so it’s best to be comfortable in the chair.

Preparing for the CEREC procedure can be simpler than you think.

5 Recovery After a Cerec Dental Crown Procedure

Recovery after a CEREC dental crown procedure is often quick and easy. Click here to find out the benefits of a CEREC dental crown. After finishing the procedure, like most patients, you can resume your normal daily activities without issue. You may experience some minor soreness and stiffness in the days following the process, but this should pass quickly. It is important to remember that you may be asked to follow some aftercare instructions from your provider to ensure proper recovery.

It is vital to give your mouth a break from any hard or crunchy foods, like nuts and popcorn, that may cause the temporary crown to come off. Additionally, it is important not to chew directly on the crown as it is not yet permanent and may be damaged by tough foods.

Overall, recovery from a CEREC dental crown procedure should be quick and smooth. Just remember to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your provider and to contact them if you experience discomfort or have any questions.

Recovery from a CEREC dental crown procedure should be quick and smooth.


CEREC technology is remarkably revolutionizing dentistry. It helps to speed up the process of dental work dramatically, reduces the need for multiple visits, and allows for more precise results. This could make dental work much more affordable, convenient, and comfortable for patients. It is a technology worth investing in and could be the future of dentistry. This technology has already had a significant impact in the field and will likely continue to do so in the future.