
Best 5 Keto Supplements for Burning Belly Fat

Fruit detoxes, cutting carbs in the diet plan, intermittent fasting and so on. We all have been hearing about these diet plans since the dawn of fitness awareness in the world. Recently, a diet called the “keto diet” took over the nutrition kingdom in the fitness world. It is being practiced and praised for its quick results and perfect result. Soon after, the news of keto flu observed in these people scared the keto-diet enthusiasts.

So basically, keto diet is a high-fat and low-carbohydrates along with an ample amount of protein diet. The keto diet will trick the human body into burning fat rather than carbohydrates. Even areas of the body which contain stubborn fat, like that of belly have been successfully burned through the keto diet. An important point that should be noted is, since the diet rules out a lot of foods, the body won’t be adequately nurtured during this diet.

While following the keto-diet, one should always check with the online doctor before moving forward with the diet. It will ensure that the diet does not result in an adverse effect on the body.

There are a few supplements which can be used in the keto diet for faster fat loss and a flatter belly. Here are the top five essential supplements to be used during the ketosis.

1 Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals the human body needs to function. Magnesium helps in maintaining a healthy brain and proper muscle function. One of the reasons of keto flu is magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency causes the following problems:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramps
  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • A spike in blood pressure

If the above symptoms are observed, it is better to visit a doctor, get the tests done and get medicine for a balanced magnesium percentage.

Here are some keto-friendly foods which are also magnesium-rich. Getting magnesium supplements through foods will help to restore electrolytes lost during the ketosis process.

  • Almonds: one oz of almonds contains around 75 mg of magnesium with very less carb content (2.7 g). Since one oz of almonds come with a calorie count of 167, it’s essential to check for the label while consuming almond milk.
  • Cashew nuts: high carb alert for keto diet users. However, one oz of cashew nuts contains 81.8 mg of magnesium which is very high. This comes along with 8.3 g net carbs and about 155 calories. Including a moderate amount of cashew nuts in the keto diet helps in preventing magnesium deficiency and ultimately the keto flu.
  • Brazil Nuts: One ounce (28 g) of Brazil nuts is a rich source of magnesium (106 mg). Also, brazil nuts are low-carb (1.4 g net carbs) but are a high-calorie food (185 calories per oz).
  • Flaxseed: 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed has 27.4 mg of magnesium and only 0.1 g net carbs. Also, it comes with very fewer calories, i.e., 37 calories.
  • Cocoa: cocoa is the main ingredient of dark chocolate and is known for protecting the heart from diseases and helping with mood swings. Dark chocolate contains 17 mg magnesium per 10 g square. However, it is vital to choose chocolate that is 85% cocoa or more and avoid milk chocolate.
  • Salmon: a keto food essentially, a serving of salmon contains 58 mg per serving. Each meal of salmons has no carbs, 40 g protein, and 13 g fat.
  • Spinach: a true keto-friendly food, it has 1.4 g net carbs in a serving of 100 g of raw spinach while being packed with a number of essential micronutrients. Each serving of spinach contains 79 mg of magnesium.
  • Artichokes: Artichokes are not well known, but they are very less carb and keto friendly from here. One boiled artichoke contains 50 mg magnesium while only 4 g net carbs. It is a rich source of dietary fiber and comes with 63 calories.
  • Swiss Chard: a green leafy vegetable, Swiss chard is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, as well as of potassium and dietary fiber. Sautéed swiss chard amounts to 19 calories, 2.1 g net carbs and 81 mg of magnesium.
  • Avocado: ever since the low-carb principle has started in major diets, avocado has gained ground. For a 100 g serving of avocado, it has 2 g net carbs and 7 g fiber while providing 29 mg of magnesium.
    If one can’t incorporate the above food for the daily requirement of magnesium, supplements can be taken with doctors advice.

Below are the magnesium supplements which are highly recommended in a keto diet for good results.

  • Magnesium Glycinate
  • Magnesium Citrate
  • Magnesium Chloride
  • Magnesium Malate
  • Magnesium Taurate
  • Transdermal Magnesium
  • Magnesium Salts/Baths

2 Omega-3 fatty acids

Here are the foods which are rich sources of omega 3’s.

  • Caviar: fish eggs which are commonly known as caviar, 1086 mg of omega 3 fatty acids per tablespoon.
  • Salmon: a top food among the keto-friendly foods, Salmon contains 2260 mg omega 3 fatty acids in a 100-gram serving.
  • Walnuts: a one-ounce serving of this “brain-food” comes with 2542 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Mackerel: it is a small but fatty fish commonly consumed after smoking it, is a rich source of omega 3’s. A 100-gram serving mackerel contains 5134 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Herring: this fish is often sold as a canned snack, and when eaten in the morning, it makes a good keto breakfast. For every 100-gram serving of herring, one receives 1729 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Oysters: A 100g serving of oysters come with 672 mg omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Sardines: a 100g serving of sardines 1480 mg of omega 3 fatty acids. Also, consuming a whole fish provides one with vitamin B12, selenium and vitamin C.
  • Flaxseeds: ground flaxseeds are consumed along with salads, smoothies or baked foods. For every tablespoon of flaxseeds, 2338 mg of omega 3 fatty acids are provided. Sometimes it is confused as flaxseed oil, and a tablespoon of the oil comes with 7196mg of omega 3’s.
  • Anchovies: this fish is available in a jar with oil or in dried form which is added to pizza or on salads. Along with calcium, niacin, and selenium, they contain 2113 mg of magnesium per 100 grams.
  • Chia seeds: A two-tablespoon serving of chia seeds is packed with eight essential amino acids and four grams of protein. For an ounce serving of chia seeds, 4915 mg of omega 3 fatty acids can be absorbed by the body.
  • Cod Liver Oil: this oil is usually used as a supplement since a little amount is sufficient to absorb ample amount of omega 3’s. One tablespoon of cod liver oil comes with 2664 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

3 Vitamin D

It is well known that vitamin D supplements help in weight loss program along with many health benefits.

  • Along with sufficient exposure to sunlight, eating whole eggs will help the body to stock on Vitamin D.
  • A serving of five ounces of sockeye salmon supplements 800 to 1,300 IU of vitamin D.

However, for ones who are severely vitamin D deficient, doctors usually prescribe supplements. Below are the best vitamin D supplements:

  • Nordic Naturals D3
  • Caltrate
  • NatureWise D3
  • Daily D (vegan)

4 MCT oil

MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) oils are healthy saturated fats and foods are a good source of MCT oils. Below are the few foods which contain these oils.

Food % of MCT OIL
Coconut oil 15
Palm oil 7.9
Cheese 7.3
Butter 6.8
Milk 6.9
Yogurt 6.6

However, many prefer taking MCT oil as artificial supplements. Here are the most recommended MCT oil brands for Keto diet.
Onnit MCT Oil

  • Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil
  • Sports Research MCT Oil
  • Left Coast Performance MCT Oil
  • Viva Naturals MCT Oil

5 Greens powder

Adding greens powder to drinks, shakes, and smoothies while following a keto diet is the best way for fat loss in areas like abdomen.

  • Plant-based nutrients are powdered to make greens powder, and it is the right way to increase the intake of nutrients.
  • Commonly used plants in the preparation of greens powder are spinach, spirulina, chlorella, broccoli, and wheatgrass.
  • Usually, greens powders recommended in a keto diet include greens, fruits (especially berries), Liver Support Enzymes, Inositol and MCT’s. Greens powder is an excellent supplement for a keto diet since they aid in getting a flatter tummy.
  • Also, all the missing nutrients are covered by this supplement. Though they are highly filling, greens powder is usually gluten-free and doesn’t contain any sweeteners.

Every time a person has a keto flu, it costs a lot of money for the tests, doctor visits and then the supplements prescribed. Though one might think he/she can depend on their health insurance, it should be noted that the insurance doesn’t cover outpatient department (OPD) expenses.
This can be solved by subscribing to DocPrime.