Top10 Most Famous And Beautiful Queens in All History
Beauty and leadership when gathered together in a woman, they can make a difference. In our history, a group of beautiful queens have ruled great empires and countries. With their wise, intelligence and mastering, they managed to add a touch of the fantastic female leadership. In this article, a list is brought to you having the top ten most beautiful queens.
In 1137, Eleanor became Queen Consort to Louis VII of France. Throughout her marriage to Louis, she took part in the Second Crusade in 1147 and went with her husband to the Byzantine Empire. She became a significant figure in improving trade agreements between Western Europe, Constantinople, and the Holy Land. She finally had the marriage to Louis canceled in 1152. In 1154, Eleanor turned to be Queen Consort to Henry II of England.
Hatshepsut was one of the most influential women in the ancient Egypt and World. She was deemed to be the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt and her period in power was longer than any other woman’s in Egyptian history. She was married to Thutmose II, and the two of them started to co-rule subsequent to the death Thutmose I, in 1492 BC. In 1479 BC, Thutmose II passed away and Hatshepsut kept on ruling Egypt by herself until her death in 1458 BC.
Elizabeth was Henry VIII‘s daughter by second wife, Anne Boleyn, who was killed two and a half years following Elizabeth’s birth. Anne’s matrimony to Henry VIII was ended, and Elizabeth was declared unlawful. In rule, Elizabeth was more reasonable than her father and half-brothers had been.
She was the most popular and the longest-ruling female head of Russia, she ruled from September 1762 till her death in 1796 when she was 67. Her period in office was named Russia’s golden age.
Mary led an exciting life. She became Queen of Scotland when she was only six days old. When she was five she travelled to France to be raised in the French court, and finally married King Francis II, who passed away the next year. Mary went back to Scotland in which a series of politically imprudent love affairs and her constant devotion to Catholicism in a Protestant country caused trouble and a revolution against her. She was forced to escape to England for refuge.
When Isabella wedded to Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469, both she as well as her husband co-ruled the whole of Spain. They ruled separately, however, and Isabella started a program of improvement which reduced the power of her disobedient nobles, rationalized her government, and heartened scholarship.
She was the Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten. Nefertiti along with her husband were famous for a religious revolution. Akhenaten and Nefertiti were responsible for the formation of a whole new religion which altered the ways of religion in Egypt. In the company of her husband, she ruled one of the richest period of Ancient Egyptian history.
She was the widow of the Ayyubid Sultan As-Salih Ayyub who had a vital role after his death throughout the Seventh Crusade against Egypt. She was deemed by Muslim historians and speakers of the Mamluk time as being of Turkic origin. Aybak and Shajar al-Durr resolutely founded the Mamluk dynasty that would in the end repel the Mongols.
2 Anne, Queen of Great Britain
She became Queen of England, Scotland plus Ireland on 8 March 1702. Anne preferred reasonable Tory politicians, who were more probable to share her Anglican religious sights than their enemies, the Whigs. The Whigs grew more influential through the course of the War of the Spanish Succession, till in 1710 Anne discharged a lot of them from office.
She was the determined to be the last ruler of the Macedonian Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. In her fights to take the crown and maintain her country free, she required sustain of Julius Caesar, bearing him a son. Later on, she gained the protection of Rome by an affair with Mark Anthony, and had three children with him.